APIs to onboard and manage company.
An image with meta data. Either the data
or url
property must be supplied to load the image.
Company roles
List of email addresses on which all confirmation emails will be cced. This is applicable only for company roles 'ORG'
List of email addresses on which all confirmation emails will be bcced. This is applicable only for company roles 'ORG'
Redirect URL for the company. It is applicable only for company roles 'PARTNER_TMC'
Redirect URL for the company for mobile. It is applicable only for company roles 'PARTNER_TMC'
List of custom fields supported by the company.
Config for token exchange in case of partner's have their own IDP.
Whether the company is a fake company for testing. This is for internal use.
list of individual role mappings between spotnana and partner.
List of 2 letter country codes where business travelers should not be allowed to add loyalty info.
Whether to allow user to get auth config based on email domain
The config is used to calculate carbon cost of CO2 emission.
curl -i -X POST \ https://developer.spotnana.com/_mock/openapi/companyapi/v2/companies \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "name": "Spotnana", "emailDomains": [ "spotnana.com" ], "billingCurrency": "INR", "phoneNumbers": [ { "countryCode": 91, "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN", "extension": "222", "isoCountryCode": "IN", "italianLeadingZero": true, "nationalNumber": 8150, "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1, "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7", "rawInput": "77777", "type": "MOBILE" } ], "emergencyContactInfos": [ { "address": { "addressLines": [ "Golden Gate Bridge" ], "administrativeArea": "CA", "administrativeAreaName": "California", "description": "San Francisco Home", "isDefault": true, "languageCode": "en", "locality": "San Francisco", "locationCode": "LAX", "organization": "Spotnana", "postalCode": "94130", "continentCode": "AF", "recipients": [ "string" ], "regionCode": "US", "regionName": "America", "revision": 1, "sortingCode": "Jamaica", "sublocality": "string", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "coordinates": { "latitude": 77.1025, "longitude": 28.7041 } }, "designation": "MANAGER", "email": "emergency-contact@email.com", "name": { "family1": "Gandas", "family2": "FamilyTwo", "given": "Vichitr", "middle": "Kumar", "suffix": "SR", "preferred": "Don" }, "phoneNumber": { "countryCode": 91, "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN", "extension": "222", "isoCountryCode": "IN", "italianLeadingZero": true, "nationalNumber": 8150, "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1, "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7", "rawInput": "77777", "type": "MOBILE" }, "userOrgId": { "organizationAgencyId": { "id": "string" }, "organizationId": { "id": "string" }, "userId": { "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08" }, "tmcInfo": { "id": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "primaryServiceProviderTmc": { "tmcId": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" } }, "secondaryServiceProviderTmcs": [ { "tmcId": {}, "supplier": "SABRE", "travelType": "AIR" } ], "partnerTmcId": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" } }, "tmcBasicInfo": { "contractingTmc": { "id": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "name": "string", "logo": { "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260", "dimensions": {}, "url": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/73f2e2_6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_630,h_94,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Spotnana%403x.webp" } }, "bookingTmc": { "id": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "name": "string", "logo": { "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260", "dimensions": {}, "url": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/73f2e2_6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_630,h_94,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Spotnana%403x.webp" } } } } } ], "isSelfSignUpEnabled": true, "announcements": [ { "title": "Spotnana on Mission to Unbundle Travel", "description": "Amex Ventures Joins Spotnana on Mission to Unbundle Travel.", "linkUrl": "https://medium.com/inside-spotnana/amex-ventures-joins-spotnana-on-mission-to-unbundle-travel-3cdb2ecceff4", "linkDisplayText": "New announcement" } ], "companyLogo": { "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260", "dimensions": { "height": 120, "width": 240 }, "url": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/73f2e2_6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_630,h_94,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Spotnana%403x.webp" }, "contractedBy": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "companyRoles": [ "ORG" ], "supportConfig": { "contactNumbers": [ { "countryCode": 91, "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN", "extension": "222", "isoCountryCode": "IN", "italianLeadingZero": true, "nationalNumber": 8150, "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1, "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7", "rawInput": "77777", "type": "MOBILE" } ], "emailAddresses": [ "support@spotnana.com" ], "freshdeskConfig": { "enabled": true, "hasCredentials": false, "credentials": { "webCredentials": { "domain": "string", "appId": "string", "appKey": "string" }, "mobileCredentials": { "domain": "string", "appId": "string", "appKey": "string" } } }, "tier": "SEAT1A", "genesysConfig": { "enabled": true, "dataUrl": "string" }, "portalUrls": [ "www.support.spotnana.com" ], "zendeskConfig": { "enabled": true, "integrationId": "1234567890", "androidIntegrationId": "1234567890", "iosIntegrationId": "1234567890" }, "genesysCloudConfig": { "enabled": true, "deploymentId": "52dc2a6f-772a-4edf-96d3-b3f0c49400a7", "environment": "usa-1", "genesysScriptUrl": "https://test.test.com" }, "twilioChatConfig": { "enabled": true } }, "supportConfigs": [ { "contactNumbers": [ { "countryCode": 91, "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN", "extension": "222", "isoCountryCode": "IN", "italianLeadingZero": true, "nationalNumber": 8150, "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1, "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7", "rawInput": "77777", "type": "MOBILE" } ], "emailAddresses": [ "support@spotnana.com" ], "freshdeskConfig": { "enabled": true, "hasCredentials": false, "credentials": { "webCredentials": { "domain": "string", "appId": "string", "appKey": "string" }, "mobileCredentials": { "domain": "string", "appId": "string", "appKey": "string" } } }, "tier": "SEAT1A", "genesysConfig": { "enabled": true, "dataUrl": "string" }, "portalUrls": [ "www.support.spotnana.com" ], "zendeskConfig": { "enabled": true, "integrationId": "1234567890", "androidIntegrationId": "1234567890", "iosIntegrationId": "1234567890" }, "genesysCloudConfig": { "enabled": true, "deploymentId": "52dc2a6f-772a-4edf-96d3-b3f0c49400a7", "environment": "usa-1", "genesysScriptUrl": "https://test.test.com" }, "twilioChatConfig": { "enabled": true } } ], "ccEmailAddresses": [ "example@gmail.com" ], "bccEmailAddresses": [ "example@gmail.com" ], "postalAddress": { "addressLines": [ "Golden Gate Bridge" ], "administrativeArea": "CA", "administrativeAreaName": "California", "description": "San Francisco Home", "isDefault": true, "languageCode": "en", "locality": "San Francisco", "locationCode": "LAX", "organization": "Spotnana", "postalCode": "94130", "continentCode": "AF", "recipients": [ "string" ], "regionCode": "US", "regionName": "America", "revision": 1, "sortingCode": "Jamaica", "sublocality": "string", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "coordinates": { "latitude": 77.1025, "longitude": 28.7041 } }, "redirectUrl": "string", "rewardsProgram": { "allowedUserRoles": [ "TRAVEL_ARRANGER" ], "conversionRate": { "currencyCode": "USD", "rate": 0.1 }, "redeemablePaymentMethods": [ "BREX_POINTS" ], "backingCurrency": [ "USD" ] }, "tmcDefaultConfiguration": { "defaultBookingTmcId": "734f4ea2-e9ed-4c90-853c-9eed62f1254b", "countryWiseBookingTmcs": [ { "countryCode": "US", "bookingTmcId": "734f4ea2-e9ed-4c90-853c-9eed62f1254b" } ] }, "expensePartnerConfig": { "partner": "EXPENSIFY", "emailConfig": { "personalCardConfig": { "sendToTraveler": false, "personalCardExpenseEmail": "user@company.com" }, "centralCardExpenseEmail": "finance+le@company.com", "expensePartnerEmail": "receipts@expensify.com", "bccEmail": "docs@company.com" }, "travelType": [ "AIR" ], "isExpensePartnerEnabled": true, "reportCustomFields": true, "personalCardExpenseOwner": { "traveler": true, "centralEmail": "docs@company.com" }, "centralCardExpenseOwner": { "traveler": true, "centralEmail": "docs@company.com" }, "partnerReferralId": "1234hgd", "itineraryConfig": { "skipModificationUpdate": true, "skipCancellationUpdate": true } }, "mobileRedirectUrl": "string", "applicableCustomFieldTypes": [ "QUESTION" ], "oauthPartnerConfig": { "name": "string", "userDetailEndpoint": { "url": "string", "authHeaderName": "string", "userIdentifierType": "PID", "responseAttributes": [ { "name": "PID", "jsonXpath": "$.user.email" } ] }, "tokenVerifier": { "doVerifyToken": true, "type": "OKTA_JWT", "verifierDetails": { "oktaJwtVerifier": { "oauthUrl": "string", "audience": "string" } } }, "doPersistToken": true }, "privacySettings": { "allowCompanyAdminAccessToRelativesInfo": true }, "emailClientConfig": { "client": "SENDGRID", "credentials": { "emailClientSecretKey": { "secretKey": "SECRET_KEY", "versionId": "1" } }, "defaultSenderAddress": "test@somedomain.com", "defaultSenderName": "Test Sender" }, "externalId": "company-external-id", "isFake": false, "tmcPartnerRoleMappings": [ { "partnerRole": "string", "spotnanaRole": "TRAVEL_ARRANGER" } ], "loyaltyBlockedCountries": [ "US", "IN" ], "allowDomainBasedAuthConfig": false, "carbonCostConfig": { "price": { "amount": 510, "currencyCode": "GBP", "convertedAmount": 715.42, "convertedCurrency": "USD", "otherCoinage": [ { "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS", "amount": 1000, "conversionRate": 0.01, "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01 } ] }, "weight": { "weight": 150, "unit": "KG" } }, "defaultBookingTmcId": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" } }'
{ "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08" }
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://developer.spotnana.com/_mock/openapi/companyapi/v2/companies?companyIds=497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08&companyRole=ORG&externalId=string' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "length": 0, "elements": [ { … } ] }
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://developer.spotnana.com/_mock/openapi/companyapi/v2/companies/{companyId}' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'x-application-id: 497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08'
Company ID
An image with meta data. Either the data
or url
property must be supplied to load the image.
Company roles
List of email addresses on which all confirmation emails will be cced. This is applicable only for company roles 'ORG'
List of email addresses on which all confirmation emails will be bcced. This is applicable only for company roles 'ORG'
Redirect URL for the company. It is applicable only for company roles 'PARTNER_TMC'
Redirect URL for the company for mobile. It is applicable only for company roles 'PARTNER_TMC'
List of custom fields supported by the company.
Config for token exchange in case of partner's have their own IDP.
Whether the company is a fake company for testing. This is for internal use.
list of individual role mappings between spotnana and partner.
List of 2 letter country codes where business travelers should not be allowed to add loyalty info.
Whether to allow user to get auth config based on email domain
The config is used to calculate carbon cost of CO2 emission.
{ "id": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "name": "Spotnana", "emailDomains": [ "spotnana.com" ], "billingCurrency": "INR", "phoneNumbers": [ { … } ], "emergencyContactInfos": [ { … } ], "isSelfSignUpEnabled": true, "announcements": [ { … } ], "companyLogo": { "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260", "dimensions": { … }, "url": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/73f2e2_6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_630,h_94,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Spotnana%403x.webp" }, "contractedBy": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "isActive": true, "companyRoles": [ "ORG" ], "supportConfig": { "contactNumbers": [ … ], "emailAddresses": [ … ], "freshdeskConfig": { … }, "tier": "SEAT1A", "genesysConfig": { … }, "portalUrls": [ … ], "zendeskConfig": { … }, "genesysCloudConfig": { … }, "twilioChatConfig": { … } }, "ccEmailAddresses": [ "example@gmail.com" ], "bccEmailAddresses": [ "example@gmail.com" ], "connectors": [ { … } ], "postalAddress": { "addressLines": [ … ], "administrativeArea": "CA", "administrativeAreaName": "California", "description": "San Francisco Home", "isDefault": true, "languageCode": "en", "locality": "San Francisco", "locationCode": "LAX", "organization": "Spotnana", "postalCode": "94130", "continentCode": "AF", "recipients": [ … ], "regionCode": "US", "regionName": "America", "revision": 1, "sortingCode": "Jamaica", "sublocality": "string", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "coordinates": { … } }, "redirectUrl": "string", "rewardsProgram": { "allowedUserRoles": [ … ], "conversionRate": { … }, "redeemablePaymentMethods": [ … ], "backingCurrency": [ … ] }, "tmcDefaultConfiguration": { "defaultBookingTmcId": "734f4ea2-e9ed-4c90-853c-9eed62f1254b", "countryWiseBookingTmcs": [ … ] }, "expensePartnerConfig": { "partner": "EXPENSIFY", "emailConfig": { … }, "travelType": [ … ], "isExpensePartnerEnabled": true, "reportCustomFields": true, "personalCardExpenseOwner": { … }, "centralCardExpenseOwner": { … }, "partnerReferralId": "1234hgd", "itineraryConfig": { … } }, "mobileRedirectUrl": "string", "applicableCustomFieldTypes": [ "QUESTION" ], "oauthPartnerConfig": { "name": "string", "userDetailEndpoint": { … }, "tokenVerifier": { … }, "doPersistToken": true }, "privacySettings": { "allowCompanyAdminAccessToRelativesInfo": true }, "designationTree": { "name": "string", "children": [ … ] }, "externalId": "MyCompanyId", "emailClientConfig": { "client": "SENDGRID", "credentials": { … }, "defaultSenderAddress": "test@somedomain.com", "defaultSenderName": "Test Sender" }, "isFake": false, "tmcPartnerRoleMappings": [ { … } ], "supportConfigs": { "length": 0, "elements": [ … ] }, "loyaltyBlockedCountries": [ "US", "IN" ], "allowDomainBasedAuthConfig": false, "carbonCostConfig": { "price": { … }, "weight": { … } }, "defaultBookingTmcId": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" } }
Company ID
An image with meta data. Either the data
or url
property must be supplied to load the image.
Company roles
List of email addresses on which all confirmation emails will be cced. This is applicable only for company roles 'ORG'
List of email addresses on which all confirmation emails will be bcced. This is applicable only for company roles 'ORG'
Redirect URL for the company. It is applicable only for company roles 'PARTNER_TMC'
Redirect URL for the company for mobile. It is applicable only for company roles 'PARTNER_TMC'
List of custom fields supported by the company.
Config for token exchange in case of partner's have their own IDP.
Whether the company is a fake company for testing. This is for internal use.
list of individual role mappings between spotnana and partner.
List of 2 letter country codes where business travelers should not be allowed to add loyalty info.
Whether to allow user to get auth config based on email domain
The config is used to calculate carbon cost of CO2 emission.
curl -i -X PUT \ 'https://developer.spotnana.com/_mock/openapi/companyapi/v2/companies/{companyId}' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "id": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "name": "Spotnana", "emailDomains": [ "spotnana.com" ], "billingCurrency": "INR", "phoneNumbers": [ { "countryCode": 91, "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN", "extension": "222", "isoCountryCode": "IN", "italianLeadingZero": true, "nationalNumber": 8150, "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1, "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7", "rawInput": "77777", "type": "MOBILE" } ], "emergencyContactInfos": [ { "address": { "addressLines": [ "Golden Gate Bridge" ], "administrativeArea": "CA", "administrativeAreaName": "California", "description": "San Francisco Home", "isDefault": true, "languageCode": "en", "locality": "San Francisco", "locationCode": "LAX", "organization": "Spotnana", "postalCode": "94130", "continentCode": "AF", "recipients": [ "string" ], "regionCode": "US", "regionName": "America", "revision": 1, "sortingCode": "Jamaica", "sublocality": "string", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "coordinates": { "latitude": 77.1025, "longitude": 28.7041 } }, "designation": "MANAGER", "email": "emergency-contact@email.com", "name": { "family1": "Gandas", "family2": "FamilyTwo", "given": "Vichitr", "middle": "Kumar", "suffix": "SR", "preferred": "Don" }, "phoneNumber": { "countryCode": 91, "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN", "extension": "222", "isoCountryCode": "IN", "italianLeadingZero": true, "nationalNumber": 8150, "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1, "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7", "rawInput": "77777", "type": "MOBILE" }, "userOrgId": { "organizationAgencyId": { "id": "string" }, "organizationId": { "id": "string" }, "userId": { "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08" }, "tmcInfo": { "id": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "primaryServiceProviderTmc": { "tmcId": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" } }, "secondaryServiceProviderTmcs": [ { "tmcId": {}, "supplier": "SABRE", "travelType": "AIR" } ], "partnerTmcId": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" } }, "tmcBasicInfo": { "contractingTmc": { "id": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "name": "string", "logo": { "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260", "dimensions": {}, "url": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/73f2e2_6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_630,h_94,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Spotnana%403x.webp" } }, "bookingTmc": { "id": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "name": "string", "logo": { "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260", "dimensions": {}, "url": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/73f2e2_6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_630,h_94,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Spotnana%403x.webp" } } } } } ], "isSelfSignUpEnabled": true, "announcements": [ { "title": "Spotnana on Mission to Unbundle Travel", "description": "Amex Ventures Joins Spotnana on Mission to Unbundle Travel.", "linkUrl": "https://medium.com/inside-spotnana/amex-ventures-joins-spotnana-on-mission-to-unbundle-travel-3cdb2ecceff4", "linkDisplayText": "New announcement" } ], "companyLogo": { "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260", "dimensions": { "height": 120, "width": 240 }, "url": "https://static.wixstatic.com/media/73f2e2_6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_630,h_94,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Spotnana%403x.webp" }, "contractedBy": { "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d" }, "isActive": true, "companyRoles": [ "ORG" ], "supportConfig": { "contactNumbers": [ { "countryCode": 91, "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN", "extension": "222", "isoCountryCode": "IN", "italianLeadingZero": true, "nationalNumber": 8150, "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1, "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7", "rawInput": "77777", "type": "MOBILE" } ], "emailAddresses": [ "support@spotnana.com" ], 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"administrativeArea": "CA", "administrativeAreaName": "California", "description": "San Francisco Home", "isDefault": true, "languageCode": "en", "locality": "San Francisco", "locationCode": "LAX", "organization": "Spotnana", "postalCode": "94130", "continentCode": "AF", "recipients": [ "string" ], "regionCode": "US", "regionName": "America", "revision": 1, "sortingCode": "Jamaica", "sublocality": "string", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "coordinates": { "latitude": 77.1025, "longitude": 28.7041 } }, "redirectUrl": "string", "rewardsProgram": { "allowedUserRoles": [ "TRAVEL_ARRANGER" ], "conversionRate": { "currencyCode": "USD", "rate": 0.1 }, "redeemablePaymentMethods": [ "BREX_POINTS" ], "backingCurrency": [ "USD"