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Spotnana Developer Portal

Explore our API documentation and guides to help you quickly integrate with Spotnana and develop custom solutions on our Travel-as-a-Service platform.

This site contains documentation on our most commonly used APIs.

API Categories

Spotnana has a microservices-based architecture with an API-first design. Our full set of API endpoints includes the following (and more):

  • Comprehensive support for air, hotel, car, and rail bookings
  • Support for automated exchanges and cancellations
  • The ability to create and update data for users, trips, and policies
  • The ability to create and manage events, invite attendees, send reminders, and set booking requirements
  • The ability to create and update data for companies, legal entities, cost centers, offices, and departments
  • The ability to create and update payment sources, invoices, and fees
  • The ability to access analytics data
  • The ability to create and update tasks for agents

In addition, Spotnana offers flexible white labeling options along with our APIs. While it’s possible to use our APIs to create a customized user interface (UI) on your own, most channel partners choose to embed a white labeled version of our UI or components of our UI into their product offering or website.

Beyond the booking-related APIs, many channel partners use our Company, Policy, Trip, and User Management APIs to develop additional integration points that result in a seamless end-to-end customer experience.

This enables our partners to accelerate their time to market, reduce development risks and costs, and provide customers with a rich user experience that showcases their unique brand design.

We are constantly releasing new features and adding more content to our API documentation. If you require functionality that isn’t covered here, please reach out to your Spotnana account manager.