Viewing a specific event and its details

The following endpoints can be used to view a specific event and its associated details such as list of travelers, RSVP details, event dates, location, payment methods, and so on.

Get event

Name Endpoint Details
Get event /v2/events/{eventId} Retrieve event details such as the event name, date, location, event status, company details, number of travelers, payment sources, and custom field responses.

URL path requires: eventId generated from step 1 of creating and publishing an event workflow.

Response will contain: Event details such as the id, name, description, and so on.

Get list of travelers for the event

Name Endpoint Details
Get travelers list /v2/events/{eventId}/travelers-list Retrieve the list of all travelers who were added to the event.

URL path requires: eventId generated from step 1 of creating and publishing an event workflow.

Request body requires: filters , limit and offset. The limit field can contain a value from 0 to 100 (i.e., you can view up to 100 travelers per API call). Use the offset field to paginate through the list if the number of travelers is more than 100.

Response will contain: The list of travelers and their details such as userId, RSVP information and their trip details such as tripId, and trip booking status.

Other APIs will use: userId (also referred to as travelerId in other event APIs)

Get and set traveler RSVP details

The RSVP status indicates whether the traveler has been added, invited, or removed from the event. A traveler’s RSVP status can represent one of the following:

  • Added to the event
  • Removed from the event
  • Invited

The RSVP response signifies which travel bookings the attendee is allowed to make (i.e., air, hotel, car and/or rail). The RSVP information can be both viewed (GET method) and updated (POST method) using the same API endpoint URL listed below.

Name Endpoint Details
Get traveler RSVP
(GET method)
/v2/events/{eventId}/travelers/{travelerId}/rsvp View the RSVP status and the RSVP response for a traveler.

URL path requires: eventId from step 1 of the creating and publishing an event workflow and travelerId from get travelers list for the event.

Response will contain: The eventRsvpState and eventRsvpResponse of the traveler. The eventRsvpResponse contains a boolean value indicating if the traveler is allowed to book for a selected service (i.e., air, car, rail, and/or hotel)
Set traveler RSVP
(POST method)
/v2/events/{eventId}/travelers/{travelerId}/rsvp Update the RSVP status and the RSVP response for a traveler.

URL path requires: eventId from step 1 of the creating and publishing an event workflow and travelerId from get travelers list for the event.

Request body requires: The eventRsvpState and eventRsvpResponse of the traveler.
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