Creating and Publishing an event

The steps below explain how to create and publish a new event on Spotnana.

Note: The steps marked as Optional indicate APIs that can be executed during and/or after completing the workflow.

Step Name Endpoint Details
1. Create event /v2/events Create a draft version of an event.

Response will contain: eventId

Other APIs will use: eventId
2. Update event booking guidelines /v2/events/{eventId}/edit-booking-guidelines Update the booking guidelines for a draft or a published event. The event coordinator can update booking guidelines such as maximum number of guests allowed to accompany a traveler, arrival and departure window for the event, payment methods, and allowed travel types.

URL path requires: eventId from step 1.

Request body requires: bookingGuidelines, allowedBookingTypes, and paymentMappings

Response will contain: eventId
3. Add travelers to an event /v2/events/{eventId}/travelers/add Add the list of travelers who are supposed to be attending the event. A draft event must have at least one traveler added before it can be published in step 5. Additional travelers can also be added after the event has been published.

URL path requires: eventId from step 1.

Request body requires: An array of userIds. The user details such as their userId, name, and email can be accessed using the query user API.

Response will contain: addedUserIds
4. Remove travelers from an event (Optional) /v2/events/{eventId}/travelers/remove Remove travelers from an event. The event coordinator can remove up to 10 travelers per API call.

URL path requires: eventId from step 1.

Request body requires: An array of userIds (maximum allowed is 10 userIds per API call).

Response will contain: An array of removedUserIds
5. Publish an event /v2/events/{eventId}/publish Publish a draft event. Publishing an event will not trigger any invites. The invites have to be sent using the send invite API in step 6.

URL path requires: eventId from step 1.

Response will contain: eventId
6. Send invite /v2/events/{eventId}/invite/send Send event invites to the travelers. The invites can be sent to all travelers using a single API call, or you can send invites to specific travelers.

URL path requires: eventId from step 1.

Request body requires: userIds (This is optional if the invites are being sent to all travelers).
7. Send a test invite (Optional) /v2/events/{eventId}/invite/test Send a test event invite to the API caller. As an event coordinator, this endpoint is useful to preview an invite before sending it to the travelers.

URL path requires: eventId from step 1.
8. Get allowed payment sources /v2/events/payment-sources Retrieve the payment sources that are mapped to the userId of the event coordinator.

Request body requires: userId of the event coordinator.

Response will contain: The list of paymentSources that are mapped to the requested userId. The event coordinator can choose the payment sources from this response and use the update event booking guidelines API in step 2 to map it to the event.

Other APIs will use: paymentSources > id. The event coordinator can choose the payment source IDs from this response and use the update event booking guidelines API in step 2 to map it to the event. This will ensure that the travelers are booking using the payment sources mapped to the event.
9. Get company questions /v2/companies/{companyId}/questions Retrieve all custom fields. A company administrator may have configured a set of questions when creating a travel policy. This API returns the list of all the questions for a companyId.

URL path requires: companyId. The company ID can be accessed using the get company API.

Response will contain: A list of elements which contain question id and name (e.g., What is the purpose of your trip?).

Other APIs will use: id (Also referred to as questionId in step 10 and customFieldId in step 11).
10. Get a company question /v2/companies/{companyId}/questions/{questionId} Retrieve one specific question and its details.

URL path requires: companyId from the get company API and questionId from step 9.

Response will contain: The question id, its name, and matchConditions. The custom fields with matchConditions > tripUsageTypes field containing the value as EVENT (or of it's empty) can be added to the event.
11. Update custom field responses /v2/events/{eventId}/custom-field-responses Provide a response to a custom field question. The response to a question can be updated either by the traveler or the event coordinator on behalf of the traveler. In both cases, the response text has to be provided in the request responseItems > response field.

URL path requires: eventId from step 1.

Request body requires: An array of eventCustomFieldResponses which contains the customFieldId from step 9 and responseItems.
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