Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Get Air Itineraries available for the given search parameters
required | Array of objects (TravelerSearchInfo) Information about each of the travelers in the search request. This information is required. |
required | Array of objects (SearchLeg) The list of all legs for which search results need to be returned. |
Array of objects (Filter) The list of filters to be applied in the search request. | |
Array of objects (SortOption) The sort options to be used for ordering the itineraries. | |
object (LegSearchParams) | |
object (CorporateInfo) Corporate data to be collected during the search request workflow. |
The specified resource was not found.
{- "travelers": [
- {
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "travelerInfo": {
- "userId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
], - "legs": [
- {
- "origin": {
- "city": "NYC",
- "airport": "JFK",
- "multiAirports": {
- "airports": [
- "JFK"
}, - "destination": {
- "city": "NYC",
- "airport": "JFK",
- "multiAirports": {
- "airports": [
- "JFK"
}, - "date": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21"
], - "filters": [
- {
- "cabin": {
- "type": "DEFAULT",
- "cabin": "ECONOMY"
}, - "maxNumStops": 0,
- "timeRange": {
- "timeRanges": [
- {
- "legIndex": 0,
- "departure": {
- "min": {
- "iso8601": null
}, - "max": {
- "iso8601": null
}, - "arrival": {
- "min": {
- "iso8601": null
}, - "max": {
- "iso8601": null
}, - "alliance": {
- "alliances": [
], - "airlines": [
- "string"
}, - "fareRange": {
- "min": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "max": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "airlinePref": {
- "airlinePrefs": [
- {
- "legIndex": 0,
- "airline": [
- "string"
}, - "fareType": "UNKNOWN",
- "changeable": "NO_CHANGEABLE_FILTER",
- "connectingAirports": {
- "legFilters": [
- {
- "legIndex": 0,
- "airportCodes": [
- "string"
}, - "seatPref": {
- "seatTypes": [
], - "minPitchInch": 0
}, - "covid": {
- "vaccine": "NO_PREFERENCE",
- "covidTest": "NO_PREFERENCE",
- "faceMask": "NO_PREFERENCE",
- "temperatureCheck": "NO_PREFERENCE",
- "blockedAdjacentSeats": "NO_PREFERENCE"
}, - "baggage": {
- "freeCheckedBag": true,
- "freeCarryOn": true
}, - "flightNumber": {
- "flightNumber": {
- "num": "321",
- "airlineCode": "AA"
}, - "policyFilter": {
- "onlyInPolicy": true
}, - "multiTicketFilter": {
- "hideMultiTicket": true
}, - "fareCategoryFilter": {
- "fareCategories": [
- {
- "ngsCategory": "UNKNOWN_NGS_CATEGORY",
- "cabinViewCategory": "UNKNOWN_CABIN_CATEGORY"
}, - "corporateCodeFilter": {
- "corpAccountCodes": [
- "PPF03"
}, - "unusedCreditFilter": {
- "hideWithoutCredits": true
], - "sortOptions": [
- {
- "sortBy": "PRICE",
- "sortOrder": "ASCENDING",
- "shelfNumber": 0
], - "legSearchParams": {
- "searchId": "string",
- "selectedRateOptionId": "string",
- "legIndex": 0,
- "asyncRouteHappy": true,
- "pageNumber": 0,
- "pageSize": 0
}, - "corporateInfo": {
- "preSearchAnswers": {
- "answers": [
- {
- "entityId": "string",
- "userInput": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- 0
], - "answers": [
- {
- "item": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "customFieldType": "QUESTION",
- "questionDisplayText": "string",
- "question": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "questionFormat": "CHECKBOX",
- "optionInfo": {
- "source": "MANUAL",
- "sourceMetadata": {
- "companyConfig": null
}, - "totalNumOptions": 0,
- "options": [
- null
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- "isDisabled": true,
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- "customFieldLocations": [
], - "matchConditions": {
- "travelerConditions": {
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- "countries": [ ],
- "legalEntities": [ ],
- "departments": [ ],
- "costCenters": [ ],
- "offices": [ ]
}, - "travelTypes": [
- null
], - "travelRegionTypes": [
- null
], - "tripUsageTypes": [
- null
}, - "questionType": {
- "preSearchQuestionType": "PURPOSE_OF_TRIP",
- "preCheckoutQuestionType": "OOP_REASON_CODE"
], - "userEntitiesResponseId": "string"
{- "searchId": "ChBjZDg3ZjRjZmRmMTFmMWFiEhBjZDg3Z",
- "itineraryDetails": {
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- {
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- "legs": [
- {
- "id": "leg_0",
- "flights": [
- {
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- "corpAccountCode": null,
- "carbonEmission": null,
- "amenities": [ ],
- "flightAttributes": [ ]
], - "travelerInfos": [
- {
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- "fareRules": null
], - "totalLegFare": {
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- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "tax": {
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- "brandCode": "AADOM-MAIN",
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- "vendorProgramType": "UA_PASS_PLUS"
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- {
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- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "fareInfo": {
- "totalFare": {
- "base": null,
- "tax": null
}, - "taxBreakdown": [
- null
], - "merchantFeeInfo": {
- "amount": null
}, - "fareMetadata": {
- "corpAccountCode": "6CA4"
], - "fareInfo": {
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- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
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- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "taxBreakdown": [
- {
- "amount": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "taxCode": "VAT"
], - "merchantFeeInfo": {
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- "currencyCode": null,
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- "convertedCurrency": null,
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- {
- "id": "string",
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- "policyName": "string",
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- "policyType": "GLOBAL"
], - "ruleResultInfos": [
- {
- "violationInfos": [
- null
], - "subViolationInfos": [
- null
], - "actions": [
- null
}, - "posInfo": [
- {
- "source": "SABRE",
- "posDescriptor": "6CA4"
], - "publicFare": {
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- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
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- {
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- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
}, - "tax": {
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- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
}, - "allowedFopRules": [
- {
- "paymentItems": [
- {
- "itemType": null,
- "fareComponent": [ ]
], - "amount": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "paymentRules": [
- {
- "paymentSplitDetails": null,
- "paymentSourceIds": [ ],
- "allowAddCard": null,
- "splitCriterion": null,
- "unusablePaymentSources": [ ],
- "paymentSourceConditions": [ ]
], - "fareAttributes": {
- "isVoidable": true,
- "holdDeadline": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
], - "flightData": [
- {
- "flightRef": "flight_3",
- "departureDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "arrivalDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "origin": {
- "airportCode": "WRA",
- "airportName": "Warder Airport",
- "cityName": "Werder",
- "countryName": "Ethiopia",
- "countryCode": "ET",
- "zoneName": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
- "stateCode": "CA"
}, - "destination": {
- "airportCode": "WRA",
- "airportName": "Warder Airport",
- "cityName": "Werder",
- "countryName": "Ethiopia",
- "countryCode": "ET",
- "zoneName": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
- "stateCode": "CA"
}, - "departureGate": {
- "gate": "1A",
- "terminal": "1"
}, - "arrivalGate": {
- "gate": "1A",
- "terminal": "1"
}, - "marketing": {
- "num": "321",
- "airlineCode": "AA"
}, - "operating": {
- "num": "321",
- "airlineCode": "AA"
}, - "operationalDisclosure": "SKYWEST DBA UNITED EXPRESS",
- "hiddenStops": [
- {
- "airport": {
- "airportCode": "WRA",
- "airportName": "Warder Airport",
- "cityName": "Werder",
- "countryName": "Ethiopia",
- "countryCode": "ET",
- "zoneName": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
- "stateCode": "CA"
}, - "arrivalDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "departureDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
], - "duration": {
- "iso8601": "PT19H55M"
}, - "equipment": {
- "code": "777",
- "type": "N",
- "name": "Boeing 737-800"
}, - "paginationParams": {
- "numResults": 0,
- "numPages": 0
}, - "metadata": {
- "airlineInfo": [
- {
- "airlineCode": "AA",
- "airlineName": "American Airlines"
], - "applicableAlliances": [
], - "legBylegPricing": true,
- "enableFareCategories": [
- {
- "ngsCategory": "UNKNOWN_NGS_CATEGORY",
- "cabinViewCategory": "UNKNOWN_CABIN_CATEGORY"
Get Flight attributes, amenities and fare rules for the given search response id. Returns the full air search response along with attribute details.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "searchId": "ChBjZDg3ZjRjZmRmMTFmMWFiEhBjZDg3Z"
{- "searchId": "ChBjZDg3ZjRjZmRmMTFmMWFiEhBjZDg3Z",
- "itineraryDetails": {
- "itineraries": [
- {
- "itineraryId": "kjdUjak8hX",
- "legs": [
- {
- "id": "leg_0",
- "flights": [
- {
- "id": null,
- "flightData": null,
- "cabin": null,
- "bookingCode": null,
- "seatAvailability": null,
- "corpAccountCode": null,
- "carbonEmission": null,
- "amenities": [ ],
- "flightAttributes": [ ]
], - "travelerInfos": [
- {
- "travelerId": null,
- "travelerLegFare": null,
- "fareRules": null
], - "totalLegFare": {
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- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "tax": {
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- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "fareCategory": {
- "ngsCategory": "UNKNOWN_NGS_CATEGORY",
- "cabinViewCategory": "UNKNOWN_CABIN_CATEGORY"
}, - "brandName": "Economy Flex",
- "brandCode": "AADOM-MAIN",
- "validatingAirline": "AA",
- "rateType": "PUBLISHED",
- "vendorProgramType": "UA_PASS_PLUS"
], - "travelers": [
- {
- "travelerId": "adult_0",
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "fareInfo": {
- "totalFare": {
- "base": null,
- "tax": null
}, - "taxBreakdown": [
- null
], - "merchantFeeInfo": {
- "amount": null
}, - "fareMetadata": {
- "corpAccountCode": "6CA4"
], - "fareInfo": {
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- "amount": 510,
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- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
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- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
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- {
- "amount": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
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], - "merchantFeeInfo": {
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- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
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- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
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- {
- "id": "string",
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- "policyName": "string",
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- "policyType": "GLOBAL"
], - "ruleResultInfos": [
- {
- "violationInfos": [
- null
], - "subViolationInfos": [
- null
], - "actions": [
- null
}, - "posInfo": [
- {
- "source": "SABRE",
- "posDescriptor": "6CA4"
], - "publicFare": {
- "base": {
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- {
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- "amount": null,
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- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
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- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
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- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
}, - "allowedFopRules": [
- {
- "paymentItems": [
- {
- "itemType": null,
- "fareComponent": [ ]
], - "amount": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "paymentRules": [
- {
- "paymentSplitDetails": null,
- "paymentSourceIds": [ ],
- "allowAddCard": null,
- "splitCriterion": null,
- "unusablePaymentSources": [ ],
- "paymentSourceConditions": [ ]
], - "fareAttributes": {
- "isVoidable": true,
- "holdDeadline": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
], - "flightData": [
- {
- "flightRef": "flight_3",
- "departureDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "arrivalDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "origin": {
- "airportCode": "WRA",
- "airportName": "Warder Airport",
- "cityName": "Werder",
- "countryName": "Ethiopia",
- "countryCode": "ET",
- "zoneName": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
- "stateCode": "CA"
}, - "destination": {
- "airportCode": "WRA",
- "airportName": "Warder Airport",
- "cityName": "Werder",
- "countryName": "Ethiopia",
- "countryCode": "ET",
- "zoneName": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
- "stateCode": "CA"
}, - "departureGate": {
- "gate": "1A",
- "terminal": "1"
}, - "arrivalGate": {
- "gate": "1A",
- "terminal": "1"
}, - "marketing": {
- "num": "321",
- "airlineCode": "AA"
}, - "operating": {
- "num": "321",
- "airlineCode": "AA"
}, - "operationalDisclosure": "SKYWEST DBA UNITED EXPRESS",
- "hiddenStops": [
- {
- "airport": {
- "airportCode": "WRA",
- "airportName": "Warder Airport",
- "cityName": "Werder",
- "countryName": "Ethiopia",
- "countryCode": "ET",
- "zoneName": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
- "stateCode": "CA"
}, - "arrivalDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "departureDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
], - "duration": {
- "iso8601": "PT19H55M"
}, - "equipment": {
- "code": "777",
- "type": "N",
- "name": "Boeing 737-800"
}, - "paginationParams": {
- "numResults": 0,
- "numPages": 0
}, - "metadata": {
- "airlineInfo": [
- {
- "airlineCode": "AA",
- "airlineName": "American Airlines"
], - "applicableAlliances": [
], - "legBylegPricing": true,
- "enableFareCategories": [
- {
- "ngsCategory": "UNKNOWN_NGS_CATEGORY",
- "cabinViewCategory": "UNKNOWN_CABIN_CATEGORY"
Get the selected itinerary for the traveler in the search and checkout flow.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "searchId": "ChBjZDg3ZjRjZmRmMTFm",
- "itineraryId": "IthBjZDg3ZjRjZmRmMTFm"
{- "itinerary": {
- "itineraryId": "kjdUjak8hX",
- "legs": [
- {
- "id": "leg_0",
- "flights": [
- {
- "id": "flight_0",
- "flightData": {
- "flightRef": {
- "flightRef": null
}, - "cabin": "ECONOMY",
- "bookingCode": "B",
- "seatAvailability": 9,
- "corpAccountCode": "DFG",
- "carbonEmission": {
- "emissionValue": 10,
- "averageEmissionValue": 10,
- "flightDistanceKm": 10,
- "isApproximate": true
}, - "amenities": [
- {
- "seatAmenity": null
], - "flightAttributes": [
- {
- "description": null,
- "categories": [ ],
- "photos": [ ]
], - "travelerInfos": [
- {
- "travelerId": "adult_0",
- "travelerLegFare": {
- "base": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
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- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
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- "baggagePolicy": {
- "checkedIn": [ ],
- "carryOn": [ ]
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- "description": null,
- "fee": null,
- "assessmentType": null,
- "isCat16": null,
- "isConditional": null
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- "description": null,
- "fee": null,
- "assessmentType": null,
- "isCat16": null,
- "isConditional": null
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- "description": null,
- "fee": null,
- "assessmentType": null,
- "isCat16": null,
- "isConditional": null
}, - "postDepartureExchangePolicy": {
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- "assessmentType": null,
- "isCat16": null,
- "isConditional": null
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- "description": null
}, - "boardingPolicy": {
- "description": null
}, - "checkInPolicy": {
- "description": null
}, - "loungePolicy": {
- "description": null
}, - "seatType": {
- "seatType": null
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- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
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- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
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- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
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- {
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- "brandCode": "AADOM-MAIN",
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- "vendorProgramType": "UA_PASS_PLUS"
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- {
- "travelerId": "adult_0",
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
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- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
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- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "taxBreakdown": [
- {
- "amount": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "taxCode": "VAT"
], - "merchantFeeInfo": {
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "fareMetadata": {
- "corpAccountCode": "6CA4"
], - "fareInfo": {
- "totalFare": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "taxBreakdown": [
- {
- "amount": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
}, - "taxCode": "VAT"
], - "merchantFeeInfo": {
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
}, - "ticketType": "SINGLE",
- "policyInfos": {
- "policies": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "policyName": "string",
- "approvalType": "SOFT_APPROVAL",
- "policyType": "GLOBAL"
], - "ruleResultInfos": [
- {
- "violationInfos": [
- {
- "predicateString": "string",
- "expectedValue": {
- "i": null
}, - "actualValue": {
- "i": null
], - "subViolationInfos": [
- {
- "predicateString": "string",
- "expectedValue": {
- "i": null
}, - "actualValue": {
- "i": null
], - "actions": [
- {
- "flag": {
- "message": null
}, - "posInfo": [
- {
- "source": "SABRE",
- "posDescriptor": "6CA4"
], - "publicFare": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "allowedFopRules": [
- {
- "paymentItems": [
- {
- "itemType": "SEAT",
- "fareComponent": [
- "BASE"
], - "amount": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "paymentRules": [
- {
- "paymentSplitDetails": {
- "minMaxAmount": {
- "minLimit": null,
- "maxLimit": null
}, - "paymentSourceIds": [
- "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d"
], - "allowAddCard": true,
- "splitCriterion": {
- "accessType": "CENTRALISED"
}, - "unusablePaymentSources": [
- {
- "id": null
], - "paymentSourceConditions": [
- {
- "type": null,
- "cardCompanies": [ ]
], - "fareAttributes": {
- "isVoidable": true,
- "holdDeadline": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
Returns airlines information for active marked airlines.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "airlineInfo": [
- {
- "airlineCode": "AA",
- "airlineName": "American Airlines",
- "country": "United States",
- "twoLetterCountryCode": "US",
- "isActive": true,
- "loyaltyProgramName": "AA Advantage",
- "loyaltyProgramCode": "AA Adv",
- "airlineTicketPrefix": "001"
Get the flight checkout details associated with the selected itinerary.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "searchId": "ChBjZDg3ZjRjZmRmMTFm",
- "itineraryId": "IthBjZDg3ZjRjZmRmMTFm"
{- "checkoutResponseId": "ChBjZDg3ZjRjZmRmMTFmMWFiEhBjZDg3Z",
- "baggageInfo": {
- "baggageSelectionGroups": [
- {
- "travelerApplicability": {
- "applicability": "PER_TRAVELER"
}, - "legApplicability": {
- "applicability": "PER_LEG",
- "legId": "leg_0"
}, - "travelerBaggageOptions": [
- {
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "baggageOptions": {
- "singleSelectOptions": [
- null
}, - "ancillaries": [
- {
- "type": "EARLY_BIRD",
- "displayName": "Early Bird",
- "description": "Purchasing early bird provides the customer with a higher boarding priority compared to WannaGetAway/Anytime customers that don’t have a special rapid rewards status irrespective of the time they check in.",
- "ancillaryOptions": [
- {
- "travelerId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
}, - "status": "ELIGIBLE",
- "fare": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
}, - "flightIds": [
- "flight_0"
], - "ancillaryId": "ancillary_0"
], - "mandatoryCheckoutParams": [
- {
- "travelerApplicability": {
- "applicability": "PER_TRAVELER"
}, - "parameter": "DATE_OF_BIRTH"
], - "airlineCardFees": [
- {
- "type": "CREDIT",
- "company": "VISA",
- "fees": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
Get seat map for the flights in the given itinerary.
required | AirItineraryIdWrapper (object) or PnrItineraryWrapper (object) (SeatMapItinerary) |
required | Array of objects (TravelerSeatInfo) Information about the travelers on the itinerary. |
The specified resource was not found.
{- "itinerary": {
- "airItineraryId": {
- "searchId": "Xjdks78X",
- "itineraryId": "ijdks78X"
}, - "travelerInfos": [
- {
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "travelerInfo": {
- "userId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
}, - "loyaltyInfos": [
- {
- "flightId": "flight_0",
- "loyaltyInfos": [
- {
- "appliedTo": [
- null
], - "id": "firstId",
- "issuedBy": "firstIssuedBy",
- "type": "AIR"
{- "seatMapResponseId": "seat1234",
- "travelerSeatMaps": [
- {
- "travelerId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
}, - "travelerInfo": {
- "userId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
}, - "flightSeatMapIds": [
- "seat_map_0"
], - "seatMaps": [
- {
- "seatMapId": "seat_map_0",
- "wingRows": {
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0
}, - "cabinSections": [
- {
- "cabin": "ECONOMY",
- "bookingCode": "B",
- "locations": [
], - "facilitySections": [
- {
- "location": "FRONT",
- "facilities": [
- null
], - "columnSections": [
- {
- "columns": [
- null
], - "rowSections": [
- {
- "rowNumbers": {
- "min": null,
- "max": null
}, - "availableSeats": [
- null
], - "rowTypes": [
- null
], - "facilitySections": [
- null
], - "seatSections": [
- null
Initiates a new air booking for the trip.
The identityDocs
field supports the following traveler identity documents:
Passport, National ID, Known Traveler Number (KTN), redress number, and immigration documents.
The traveler can choose one among the list of identity documents available and provide its information during checkout.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "initiateBookingWorkflowIds": {
- "checkoutResponseId": "string",
- "seatMapResponseId": "string"
}, - "travelers": [
- {
- "travelerDetails": {
- "travelerId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
}, - "travelerInfo": {
- "userId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
}, - "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "title": "MR",
- "name": {
- "family1": "Gandas",
- "family2": "FamilyTwo",
- "given": "Vichitr",
- "middle": "Kumar",
- "suffix": "SR",
- "preferred": "Don"
}, - "gender": "FEMALE",
- "dob": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21"
}, - "phoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": 91,
- "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN",
- "extension": "222",
- "isoCountryCode": "IN",
- "italianLeadingZero": true,
- "nationalNumber": 8150,
- "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1,
- "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7",
- "rawInput": "77777",
- "type": "MOBILE"
}, - "email": "",
- "identityDocs": [
- {
- "passport": {
- "docId": "PassportID",
- "expiryDate": {
- "iso8601": null
}, - "issueCountry": "IN",
- "issuedDate": {
- "iso8601": null
}, - "nationalityCountry": "IN",
- "type": "REGULAR"
], - "address": {
- "addressLines": [
- "Golden Gate Bridge"
], - "administrativeArea": "CA",
- "administrativeAreaName": "California",
- "description": "San Francisco Home",
- "isDefault": true,
- "languageCode": "en",
- "locality": "San Francisco",
- "locationCode": "LAX",
- "organization": "Spotnana",
- "postalCode": "94130",
- "continentCode": "AF",
- "recipients": [
- "string"
], - "regionCode": "US",
- "regionName": "America",
- "revision": 1,
- "sortingCode": "Jamaica",
- "sublocality": "string",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "coordinates": {
- "latitude": 77.1025,
- "longitude": 28.7041
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- "address": {
- "addressLines": [
- "Golden Gate Bridge"
], - "administrativeArea": "CA",
- "administrativeAreaName": "California",
- "description": "San Francisco Home",
- "isDefault": true,
- "languageCode": "en",
- "locality": "San Francisco",
- "locationCode": "LAX",
- "organization": "Spotnana",
- "postalCode": "94130",
- "continentCode": "AF",
- "recipients": [
- "string"
], - "regionCode": "US",
- "regionName": "America",
- "revision": 1,
- "sortingCode": "Jamaica",
- "sublocality": "string",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "coordinates": {
- "latitude": 77.1025,
- "longitude": 28.7041
}, - "designation": "MANAGER",
- "email": "",
- "name": {
- "family1": "Gandas",
- "family2": "FamilyTwo",
- "given": "Vichitr",
- "middle": "Kumar",
- "suffix": "SR",
- "preferred": "Don"
}, - "phoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": 91,
- "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN",
- "extension": "222",
- "isoCountryCode": "IN",
- "italianLeadingZero": true,
- "nationalNumber": 8150,
- "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1,
- "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7",
- "rawInput": "77777",
- "type": "MOBILE"
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- "organizationAgencyId": {
- "id": "string"
}, - "organizationId": {
- "id": "string"
}, - "userId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
}, - "tmcInfo": {
- "id": {
- "id": null
}, - "primaryServiceProviderTmc": {
- "tmcId": null
}, - "secondaryServiceProviderTmcs": [
- null
], - "partnerTmcId": {
- "id": null
}, - "tmcBasicInfo": {
- "contractingTmc": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "logo": null
}, - "bookingTmc": {
- "id": null,
- "name": null,
- "logo": null
}, - "loyaltyInfos": [
- {
- "appliedTo": [
- "TAJ"
], - "id": "firstId",
- "issuedBy": "firstIssuedBy",
- "type": "AIR"
}, - "seats": [
- {
- "flightId": "string",
- "seatNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "baggages": [
- {
- "legId": "string",
- "baggageIds": [
- "string"
], - "ancillaries": [
- {
- "ancillaryId": "ancillary_0"
], - "shareContactInfo": false
], - "bookingCharges": [
- {
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "paymentMethod": {
- "selectedPaymentSource": {
- "paymentSourceId": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d",
- "rawPaymentSource": {
- "type": "string",
- "cardDetails": {
- "company": "VISA",
- "token": "4111111111111111",
- "expiry": {
- "tokenizedExpiry": null
}, - "postPaymentRedirectionUrl": "",
- "cvv": "string",
- "amount": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
], - "bookingContact": {
- "emailAddress": "",
- "phoneNumber": {
- "countryCode": 91,
- "countryCodeSource": "FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN",
- "extension": "222",
- "isoCountryCode": "IN",
- "italianLeadingZero": true,
- "nationalNumber": 8150,
- "numberOfLeadingZeros": 1,
- "preferredDomesticCarrierCode": "7",
- "rawInput": "77777",
- "type": "MOBILE"
}, - "useExistingBooking": true
{- "initiateBookingResponseId": "CuwDQ2hCa09HVTJZemsyWVRFNFlUUm",
- "paymentSourcePrePaymentInformation": [
- {
- "paymentSourceId": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d",
- "paymentRequestId": "XHY675ER7Y2",
- "additionalInformation": {
- "loyaltyAccountNumber": "string",
- "loyaltyProgramName": "string",
- "canStoreCreditCard": true
Validates the air itinerary for availability and pricing
object (WorkflowIds) The set of unique response ids associated with the booking workflow. | |
object (TripId) The trip ID with which this booking will be associated. | |
Array of objects (AirBookTravelerInfo) | |
Array of objects (BookingCharge) | |
object (PromotionCode) Promo code applied to the order (optional) |
The specified resource was not found.
{- "workflowIds": {
- "checkoutResponseId": "string",
- "seatMapResponseId": "string",
- "paymentSetupResponseId": "string",
- "initiateBookingId": "string"
}, - "tripId": {
- "id": "2783425534"
}, - "travelers": [
- {
- "travelerDetails": {
- "travelerId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
}, - "travelerInfo": {
- "userId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
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- "title": "MR",
- "name": {
- "family1": "Gandas",
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- "middle": "Kumar",
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- "iso8601": "2017-07-21"
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- "expiryDate": {
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- "iso8601": null
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- "type": "REGULAR"
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- "revision": 1,
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- "sublocality": "string",
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- "coordinates": {
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- "Golden Gate Bridge"
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- "administrativeAreaName": "California",
- "description": "San Francisco Home",
- "isDefault": true,
- "languageCode": "en",
- "locality": "San Francisco",
- "locationCode": "LAX",
- "organization": "Spotnana",
- "postalCode": "94130",
- "continentCode": "AF",
- "recipients": [
- "string"
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- "name": {
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- "family2": "FamilyTwo",
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- "id": "string"
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- "id": "string"
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- "id": {
- "id": null
}, - "primaryServiceProviderTmc": {
- "tmcId": null
}, - "secondaryServiceProviderTmcs": [
- null
], - "partnerTmcId": {
- "id": null
}, - "tmcBasicInfo": {
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- "name": null,
- "logo": null
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- {
- "appliedTo": [
- "TAJ"
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- "issuedBy": "firstIssuedBy",
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- {
- "flightId": "string",
- "seatNumbers": [
- "string"
], - "baggages": [
- {
- "legId": "string",
- "baggageIds": [
- "string"
], - "ancillaries": [
- {
- "ancillaryId": "ancillary_0"
], - "shareContactInfo": false
], - "bookingCharges": [
- {
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- "amount": 510,
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- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
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- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
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- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
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- "selectedPaymentSource": {
- "paymentSourceId": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d",
- "rawPaymentSource": {
- "type": "string",
- "cardDetails": {
- "company": "VISA",
- "token": "4111111111111111",
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- "tokenizedExpiry": null
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- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
], - "promotionCode": {
- "code": "NEWUSER"
{- "bookingId": "bookingid",
- "fareBreakDown": {
- "totalFare": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "merchantFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "airlineFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "legPrices": [
- {
- "legId": "leg-id",
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "travelerPrices": [
- {
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "numTravelers": 3,
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "airlineFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
], - "airlineFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
], - "perTravelerPrices": [
- {
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "numTravelers": 3,
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "airlineFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
], - "policyDetails": {
- "policies": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "policyName": "string",
- "approvalType": "SOFT_APPROVAL",
- "policyType": "GLOBAL"
], - "ruleResultInfos": [
- {
- "violationInfos": [
- {
- "predicateString": "string",
- "expectedValue": {
- "i": 0
}, - "actualValue": {
- "i": 0
], - "subViolationInfos": [
- {
- "predicateString": "string",
- "expectedValue": {
- "i": 0
}, - "actualValue": {
- "i": 0
], - "actions": [
- {
- "flag": {
- "message": "string"
Validates an itinerary at any interim stage of air booking workflow and allows you to keep track of fare details before proceeding to checkout. Using this endpoint is optional. It requires a searchId
and the itineraryId
to obtain the latest fare details of the selected itinerary. The travelerType
field in this endpoint response currently only accepts ADULT
The specified resource was not found.
{- "searchId": "string",
- "itineraryId": "string"
{- "bookingId": "bookingid",
- "fareBreakDown": {
- "totalFare": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "merchantFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "airlineFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "legPrices": [
- {
- "legId": "leg-id",
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "travelerPrices": [
- {
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "numTravelers": 3,
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "airlineFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
], - "airlineFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
], - "perTravelerPrices": [
- {
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "numTravelers": 3,
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "airlineFee": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
], - "policyDetails": {
- "policies": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "policyName": "string",
- "approvalType": "SOFT_APPROVAL",
- "policyType": "GLOBAL"
], - "ruleResultInfos": [
- {
- "violationInfos": [
- {
- "predicateString": "string",
- "expectedValue": {
- "i": 0
}, - "actualValue": {
- "i": 0
], - "subViolationInfos": [
- {
- "predicateString": "string",
- "expectedValue": {
- "i": 0
}, - "actualValue": {
- "i": 0
], - "actions": [
- {
- "flag": {
- "message": "string"
Creates a new air booking with the given itinerary
The specified resource was not found.
{- "bookingId": "booking-id",
- "initiateBookingId": "eCfghty567jkHG56DFgh",
- "preBookAnswers": {
- "answers": [
- {
- "entityId": "string",
- "userInput": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- 0
], - "answers": [
- {
- "item": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "customFieldType": "QUESTION",
- "questionDisplayText": "string",
- "question": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "questionFormat": "CHECKBOX",
- "optionInfo": {
- "source": "MANUAL",
- "sourceMetadata": {
- "companyConfig": {
- "optionsParam": null
}, - "totalNumOptions": 0,
- "options": [
- {
- "displayCode": null,
- "displayValue": null
}, - "isRequired": true,
- "isDisabled": true,
- "includeInItinerary": true,
- "customFieldLocations": [
], - "matchConditions": {
- "travelerConditions": {
- "workerTypes": [
- null
], - "countries": [
- null
], - "legalEntities": [
- null
], - "departments": [
- null
], - "costCenters": [
- null
], - "offices": [
- null
}, - "travelTypes": [
- "AIR"
], - "travelRegionTypes": [
], - "tripUsageTypes": [
}, - "questionType": {
- "preSearchQuestionType": "PURPOSE_OF_TRIP",
- "preCheckoutQuestionType": "OOP_REASON_CODE"
], - "preBookQuestionResponseId": "string"
}, - "preSearchAnswers": {
- "answers": [
- {
- "entityId": "string",
- "userInput": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- 0
], - "answers": [
- {
- "item": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "customFieldType": "QUESTION",
- "questionDisplayText": "string",
- "question": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "name": "string",
- "questionFormat": "CHECKBOX",
- "optionInfo": {
- "source": "MANUAL",
- "sourceMetadata": {
- "companyConfig": {
- "optionsParam": null
}, - "totalNumOptions": 0,
- "options": [
- {
- "displayCode": null,
- "displayValue": null
}, - "isRequired": true,
- "isDisabled": true,
- "includeInItinerary": true,
- "customFieldLocations": [
], - "matchConditions": {
- "travelerConditions": {
- "workerTypes": [
- null
], - "countries": [
- null
], - "legalEntities": [
- null
], - "departments": [
- null
], - "costCenters": [
- null
], - "offices": [
- null
}, - "travelTypes": [
- "AIR"
], - "travelRegionTypes": [
], - "tripUsageTypes": [
}, - "questionType": {
- "preSearchQuestionType": "PURPOSE_OF_TRIP",
- "preCheckoutQuestionType": "OOP_REASON_CODE"
], - "userEntitiesResponseId": "string"
}, - "postPaymentVerificationInfo": {
- "postStripeVerificationInfo": {
- "paymentMethodId": "pm_1HzKDPI3bT9GUjvoUkRQooN3"
}, - "isPreAuthApprovalRequired": false
{- "pnrId": "string",
- "sourcePnrId": "string",
- "pnrStatus": "SUCCESS"
Cancel the air pnr and issues applicable refunds
The specified resource was not found.
{- "pnrId": "1234567819",
- "optionId": "OPTION123",
- "cancellationOverride": {
- "waiverCode": "WAV123",
- "tourCode": "TRAC345",
- "newCancellationPenalty": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
{- "sourcePnrId": "ABCDEF",
- "status": "CANCELLED"
This endpoint gets exchange details of all the tickets present in the given PNR ID of the given trip ID.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "pnrId": "1234567890",
- "ticketToExchangeInfos": [
- {
- "ticketNumber": "0111234567890",
- "exchangeState": "EXCHANGEABLE_BY_OBT",
- "isRefundable": false,
- "exchangeNotSupportedReasons": [
], - "supplierPreferredEnabledFields": {
- "travelDate": true,
- "route": true,
- "addLeg": true,
- "removeLeg": true,
- "modifyPartialItinerary": true,
- "sameEndpointRestriction": true
}, - "userOrgId": {
- "organizationAgencyId": {
- "id": "string"
}, - "organizationId": {
- "id": "string"
}, - "userId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
}, - "tmcInfo": {
- "id": {
- "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d"
}, - "primaryServiceProviderTmc": {
- "tmcId": {
- "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d"
}, - "secondaryServiceProviderTmcs": [
- {
- "tmcId": {
- "id": null
}, - "supplier": "SABRE",
- "travelType": "AIR"
], - "partnerTmcId": {
- "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d"
}, - "tmcBasicInfo": {
- "contractingTmc": {
- "id": {
- "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d"
}, - "name": "string",
- "logo": {
- "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260",
- "dimensions": {
- "height": null,
- "width": null
}, - "bookingTmc": {
- "id": {
- "id": "f49d00fe-1eda-4304-ba79-a980f565281d"
}, - "name": "string",
- "logo": {
- "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260",
- "dimensions": {
- "height": null,
- "width": null
}, - "travelerInfo": {
- "userId": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
Get Air Itineraries available for exchange/modification/deletion against current pnr.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "pnrId": "1213124111",
- "legs": [
- {
- "index": 0,
- "remove": true
}, - {
- "origin": "SFO",
- "destination": "SEA",
- "date": "2022-01-21T17:00"
}, - {
- "origin": "SEA",
- "destination": "ANC",
- "date": "2022-01-22T17:00"
{- "searchId": "ChBjZDg3ZjRjZmRmMTFmMWFiEhBjZDg3Z",
- "itineraryDetails": {
- "itineraries": [
- {
- "itineraryId": "kjdUjak8hX",
- "legs": [
- {
- "id": "leg_0",
- "flights": [
- {
- "id": null,
- "flightData": null,
- "cabin": null,
- "bookingCode": null,
- "seatAvailability": null,
- "corpAccountCode": null,
- "carbonEmission": null,
- "amenities": [ ],
- "flightAttributes": [ ]
], - "travelerInfos": [
- {
- "travelerId": null,
- "travelerLegFare": null,
- "fareRules": null
], - "totalLegFare": {
- "base": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "fareCategory": {
- "ngsCategory": "UNKNOWN_NGS_CATEGORY",
- "cabinViewCategory": "UNKNOWN_CABIN_CATEGORY"
}, - "brandName": "Economy Flex",
- "brandCode": "AADOM-MAIN",
- "validatingAirline": "AA",
- "rateType": "PUBLISHED",
- "vendorProgramType": "UA_PASS_PLUS"
], - "travelers": [
- {
- "travelerId": "adult_0",
- "travelerType": "ADULT",
- "travelerAge": {
- "numYears": 22
}, - "fareInfo": {
- "totalFare": {
- "base": null,
- "tax": null
}, - "taxBreakdown": [
- null
], - "merchantFeeInfo": {
- "amount": null
}, - "fareMetadata": {
- "corpAccountCode": "6CA4"
], - "fareInfo": {
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- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
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- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "taxBreakdown": [
- {
- "amount": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
}, - "taxCode": "VAT"
], - "merchantFeeInfo": {
- "amount": {
- "base": {
- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
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- "amount": null,
- "currencyCode": null,
- "convertedAmount": null,
- "convertedCurrency": null,
- "otherCoinage": [ ]
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- "policyInfos": {
- "policies": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "policyName": "string",
- "approvalType": "SOFT_APPROVAL",
- "policyType": "GLOBAL"
], - "ruleResultInfos": [
- {
- "violationInfos": [
- null
], - "subViolationInfos": [
- null
], - "actions": [
- null
}, - "posInfo": [
- {
- "source": "SABRE",
- "posDescriptor": "6CA4"
], - "publicFare": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": null,
- "amount": null,
- "conversionRate": null,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": null
}, - "allowedFopRules": [
- {
- "paymentItems": [
- {
- "itemType": null,
- "fareComponent": [ ]
], - "amount": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- { }
}, - "paymentRules": [
- {
- "paymentSplitDetails": null,
- "paymentSourceIds": [ ],
- "allowAddCard": null,
- "splitCriterion": null,
- "unusablePaymentSources": [ ],
- "paymentSourceConditions": [ ]
], - "fareAttributes": {
- "isVoidable": true,
- "holdDeadline": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
], - "flightData": [
- {
- "flightRef": "flight_3",
- "departureDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "arrivalDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "origin": {
- "airportCode": "WRA",
- "airportName": "Warder Airport",
- "cityName": "Werder",
- "countryName": "Ethiopia",
- "countryCode": "ET",
- "zoneName": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
- "stateCode": "CA"
}, - "destination": {
- "airportCode": "WRA",
- "airportName": "Warder Airport",
- "cityName": "Werder",
- "countryName": "Ethiopia",
- "countryCode": "ET",
- "zoneName": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
- "stateCode": "CA"
}, - "departureGate": {
- "gate": "1A",
- "terminal": "1"
}, - "arrivalGate": {
- "gate": "1A",
- "terminal": "1"
}, - "marketing": {
- "num": "321",
- "airlineCode": "AA"
}, - "operating": {
- "num": "321",
- "airlineCode": "AA"
}, - "operationalDisclosure": "SKYWEST DBA UNITED EXPRESS",
- "hiddenStops": [
- {
- "airport": {
- "airportCode": "WRA",
- "airportName": "Warder Airport",
- "cityName": "Werder",
- "countryName": "Ethiopia",
- "countryCode": "ET",
- "zoneName": "Africa/Addis_Ababa",
- "stateCode": "CA"
}, - "arrivalDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "departureDateTime": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
], - "duration": {
- "iso8601": "PT19H55M"
}, - "equipment": {
- "code": "777",
- "type": "N",
- "name": "Boeing 737-800"
}, - "paginationParams": {
- "numResults": 0,
- "numPages": 0
}, - "metadata": {
- "airlineInfo": [
- {
- "airlineCode": "AA",
- "airlineName": "American Airlines"
], - "applicableAlliances": [
], - "legBylegPricing": true,
- "enableFareCategories": [
- {
- "ngsCategory": "UNKNOWN_NGS_CATEGORY",
- "cabinViewCategory": "UNKNOWN_CABIN_CATEGORY"
Book[cancel] new[existing] legs into an existing pnr using the selected rate option from airModifySearch operation.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "bookingId": "ChBlMTFmOTVkZTcwZmZjMmI2EhAwZjVkNDhhNGJjNWExZTMw",
- "tripData": {
- "tripId": {
- "id": "9527251668"
{- "pnrNumber": "AXKJDF",
- "pnrStatus": "CONFIRMED",
- "pnrId": "1213124111"
Edit specific traveler information in an existing PNR. This API allows you to edit and modify Special Service Requests (SSR), seat selection, loyalty number, ancillaries, redress number, Known Traveler Number (KTN), check-in preferences, and Other Service Information (OSI).
Array of objects (PnrNoteRemark) Note remarks to be added for pnr at time of pnr update | |
pnrId required | string PNR ID created by Spotnana for the booking. |
required | Array of objects (TravelerUpdateInfo) Traveler information. |
seatMapResponseId | string The |
object Contains a list of custom fields or pre search answers. | |
pnrUpdateTypes | Array of strings Items Value: "OTHER_SERVICE_INFO" |
Array of objects (OtherServiceInformation) The list of all Other Service Information (OSI) to be included in the PNR. | |
object (BookingPaymentDetails) Payment details used for booking. | |
PostStripeVerificationInfoWrapper (object) or PostUrlBasedVerificationInfoWrapper (object) or AmadeusCheckoutVerificationInfoWrapper (object) or ThreeDSecure2PostVerificationInfoWrapper (object) or RazorpayPostVerificationInfoWrapper (object) (PostPaymentVerificationInfo) |
The specified resource was not found.
{- "pnrId": "1234567890",
- "seatMapResponseId": "8bc4ec0e1839aabc",
- "pnrUpdateTypes": [
], - "travelerInfo": [
- {
- "traveler": {
- "travelerId": "1",
- "travelerInfo": {
- "userOrgId": {
- "userId": {
- "id": "8ec7ef81-e314-4b2a-ad62-9157262aeb11"
}, - "organizationId": {
- "id": "5ec7ef81-e314-4b2a-ad62-9157262aeb11"
}, - "organizationAgencyId": {
- "id": "2ec7ef81-e314-4b2a-ad62-9157262aeb11"
}, - "tmcInfo": {
- "id": {
- "id": "2ec7ef81-e314-4b2a-ad62-9157262aeb11"
}, - "primaryServiceProviderTmc": {
- "tmcId": {
- "id": "2ec7ef81-e314-4b2a-ad62-9157262aeb11"
}, - "secondaryServiceProviderTmcs": [ ]
}, - "tmcBasicInfo": {
- "contractingTmc": {
- "id": {
- "id": "2ec7ef81-e314-4b2a-ad62-9157262aeb11"
}, - "bookingTmc": {
- "id": {
- "id": "2ec7ef81-e314-4b2a-ad62-9157262aeb11"
}, - "seats": [
- {
- "flightIndex": 1,
- "seatNumber": "10A"
], - "specialServiceRequests": [
- {
- "flightIndex": 1,
- "code": "SPML",
- "info": "Special meal without egg."
], - "updateTypes": [
- "SEAT"
{- "paymentVerificationInfo": {
- "gatewayIdentifier": {
- "gatewayId": "string",
}, - "stripeVerificationInfo": {
- "stripeCardTokens": {
- "paymentProcessor": "STRIPE",
- "paymentMethodId": "pm_1HzKDPI3bT9GUjvoUkRQooN3",
- "setupIntentClientSecret": "seti_1IBwEiKXFM6BpWYhfdCGZ7sg_secret_InXJDifWGBcVqekJvhAxidON6vHAvfS",
- "connectedAccountId": "acct_1NT8oyCZnFgI0lFY",
- "publishableKey": "pk_test_51Hx7XyI3bT9GUjvoUkRQooN3"
Returns the list of all Special Service Requests (SSR) supported by Spotnana. This API doesn't require a request payload or a query parameter. You can use this endpoint anytime during the air booking or exchange workflow to view the list of SSRs currently supported by Spotnana.
{- "specialServiceRequests": [
- {
- "code": "WCHC",
- "category": {
- "description": "Special Assistance - Wheelchair"
}, - "subCategory": "Wheelchair with wet cell battery.",
- "isFreeTextMandatory": true,
- "isFreeTextAllowed": true
Returns the list of Special Service Requests (SSR) for a selected category.
Every category
type can contain multiple service requests.
For example, the category: MEAL
includes service requests such as a vegetarian meal, baby/infant meal,
gluten free meal, and so on. These service requests are displayed as subCategory
fields within the category: MEAL
To learn more about a selected category such as its subCategory
values, category code, and other relevant
information, run this API using the category
type as the query parameter.
{- "specialServiceRequests": [
- {
- "code": "WCHC",
- "category": {
- "description": "Special Assistance - Wheelchair"
}, - "subCategory": "Wheelchair with wet cell battery.",
- "isFreeTextMandatory": true,
- "isFreeTextAllowed": true
Returns all the active loyalty programs for the requested marketing and/or operating airlines.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "loyaltyPrograms": [
- {
- "programName": "AA Advantage",
- "airlineCode": "AA",
- "airlineName": "American Airlines",
- "loyaltyType": "OWN"
], - "applicableLoyalties": [
- {
- "appliedTo": [
- "TAJ"
], - "id": "firstId",
- "issuedBy": "firstIssuedBy",
- "type": "AIR"