Making an Air Booking

The steps below explain how to create a new air booking for a traveler. All APIs mentioned below are dependent on each other and the steps described in this section must be executed in the order specified.

Step Name Endpoint Details
1. Get air itineraries /v2/air/search-flights Search for available flights.

Response will contain:
searchId itineraryId paginationParameters metadata

Other APIs will use: searchId itineraryId
2. Get flight attributes /v2/air/flight-attributes Retrieve flight attributes such as amenities and fare rules for every flight displayed on a search result.

Request body requires: searchId

Response will contain:
searchId itineraryId paginationParameters metadata

Other APIs will use: searchId itineraryId
3. Get selected itinerary /v2/air/selected-itinerary View one selected itinerary and its respective details.

Request body requires: searchId itineraryId

Response will contain:
Itinerary details for the itineraryId provided in the request.
4. Get flight checkout details /v2/air/flight-checkout Get checkout related information for a selected itinerary from Step 3.

Request body requires: searchId itineraryId

Response will contain:
checkoutResponseId, baggage information, ancillaries, other checkout parameters and supported payment options.

Other APIs will use: checkoutResponseId
5. Get flight seat map /v2/air/seat-map View the seat map for the selected itinerary from Step 3.

Request body requires:
airItineraryId (an object wrapper containing both searchId and itineraryId from Step 1) and traveler information.

Response will contain:
seatMapResponseId travelerSeatMaps travelerId flightSeatMapIds seatMaps seatMapId

Other APIs will use: seatMapResponseId
6. List trips (optional) /v2/list-organisation-trips During the checkout process, you can use the List Trips API to choose a trip name from the list of existing names or create a new trip name in the next step.

Request body requires:
organizationId updatedAt pnrType customFields

Response will contain: tripId

Other APIs will use: tripId
7. Create trip /v2/trips Trips act as a container to group one or more related PNRs (bookings). You must provide a unique value for the tripName parameter. If you’ve already picked an existing trip name in Step 6, you can skip this step.

Request body requires:
tripName tripDescription userId registrarId

Response will contain: tripId

Other APIs will use: tripId
8. Initiate booking /v2/air/initiate-booking Initiate the booking process for the new trip created in Step 7.

Request body requires:
checkoutResponseId from Step 4, seatMapResponseId from Step 5, traveler details, bookingCharges, and bookingContact.

Response will contain: initiateBookingResponseId

Other APIs will use: initiateBookingResponseId
9. Validate itinerary /v2/air/revalidate-itinerary To finalize a reservation, the travelers must indicate their preferred seat, number of checked and carry-on bags, and select whether they want any ancillaries such as travel insurance or priority boarding (applied as additional booking charges). Use this API to validate your itinerary.

Request body requires:
checkoutResponseId from Step 4, seatMapResponseId from Step 5, initiateBookingResponseId from Step 8, paymentSetupResponseId, paymentSourceId, tripId from Step 7, traveler details and booking charges.

Note: Contact your Spotnana representative to obtain the paymentSourceId.

Response will contain:
bookingId, fare breakdown, leg prices, and policy details.

Other APIs will use: bookingId
10. Create air pnr /v2/air/create-pnr Create a new air booking (PNR) for your trip.

Request body requires:
bookingId from Step 9, initiateBookingResponseId from Step 8, preBookAnswers generated using the Get Trip Details API

Response will contain:
pnrId sourcePnrId pnrStatus

The pnrId generated by this API will be used in the exchange and cancel booking workflows.
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