APIs to manage trips and PNRs.
Retrieves the list of trips associated with an organization.
The List Trips /v2/list-organisation-trips
endpoint will be deprecated on May 31, 2025. After that date, calls made to the /v2/list-organisation-trips
endpoint will fail. We encourage you to start using the new List trip summaries for a company endpoint which has improved filtering and pagination.
Organization id for traveler.
curl -i -X POST \ https://apis.spotnana.com/v2/list-organisation-trips \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "organizationId": { "id": "string" }, "updatedAt": { "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32Z" }, "pnrType": "AIR", "customFieldIds": [ { "type": "QUESTION", "externalId": "string" } ] }'
{ "trips": [ { … } ] }
curl -i -X POST \ https://apis.spotnana.com/v2/trips \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "tripName": "string", "tripDescription": "string", "userId": { "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08" }, "registrarId": { "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08" } }'
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v2/trips/{tripId}' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "tripId": "6926658168", "tripName": "JFK SFO Trip", "tripDescription": "JFK SFO Business Trip", "applicationId": "97ab27fa-30e2-43e3-92a3-160e80f4c0d5", "startDate": { "iso8601": "2017-07-21" }, "endDate": { "iso8601": "2017-07-21" } }
curl -i -X PUT \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v2/trips/{tripId}' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "tripId": "6926658168", "tripName": "JFK SFO Trip", "tripDescription": "JFK SFO Business Trip" }'
{ "debugIdentifier": "string", "errorMessages": [ { … } ] }
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v3/trips/{tripId}/detail?refreshType=REFRESH_TYPE_BLOCKING' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
Basic trip info
User facing booking status
Payment info for a given trip. Fares of pending manual form and pending shell pnrs are not considered.
{ "basicTripInfo": { "tripId": "6926658168", "tripName": "JFK SFO Trip", "tripDescription": "JFK SFO Business Trip", "applicationId": "97ab27fa-30e2-43e3-92a3-160e80f4c0d5", "startDate": { … }, "endDate": { … } }, "pnrs": [ { … } ], "pendingShellPnrs": [ { … } ], "pendingManualFormPnrs": [ { … } ], "tripStatus": "CONFIRMED", "tripBookingStatus": "PENDING_STATUS", "eventSummary": { "id": "12345", "name": "My event", "description": "This is an event description", "startDateTime": { … }, "endDateTime": { … }, "location": { … }, "contacts": [ … ], "documents": [ … ], "bookingGuidelines": [ … ], "allowedBookingTypes": [ … ], "eventUserRsvp": { … }, "contactInfoList": [ … ], "companyId": { … }, "runningStatus": "UPCOMING", "status": "DRAFT", "isRemovedParticipant": true }, "simplePnrs": [ { … } ], "additionalInfo": { "vpayBillBack": "B" }, "tripPaymentInfo": { "totalFare": { … }, "totalFareAmount": { … }, "serviceFeeFareAmount": { … } } }
Current PNR version. This field is used for handling conflicts in case of concurrent updates. This should be sent unmodified in update request.
List of travelers on this pnr and their information. This is a required field.
Payment information about all goods sold. This is a required field for now.
List of all the Custom Fields responses associated with this Pnr.
Represents the PNR visibility status, if marked as HIDDEN should not be displayed to the traveler
Status of in progress cancellation request CANCELLATION_IN_PROGRESS - Cancellation request is in progress via OBT CANCELLATION_BY_AGENT_REQUESTED - Cancellation request is in progress via agent
Information passed to the Spotnana email system that processes booking updates.
The per booking answers collected from the traveler during checkout.
List of all the Custom Fields associated with this Pnr
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v3/trips/{tripId}/pnrs' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "version": 1, "sourceInfo": { "sourcePnrId": "AEDAVF", "bookingSource": "United.com", "bookingDateTime": { "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32Z" }, "posDescriptor": "LA5K", "iataNumber": "426666" }, "invoiceDelayedBooking": false, "travelers": [ { "travelerPersonalInfo": { "loyaltyInfos": [ { "appliedTo": [ "TAJ" ], "id": "firstId", "issuedBy": "firstIssuedBy", "type": "AIR" } ], "travelPref": { "airPref": { "airlinePrefs": [ { "airlines": [] } ], "alliancePref": { "alliances": [ null ] }, "farePref": { "fareTypes": [ null ] }, "homeAirport": "NEW YORK", "mealPref": { "exclMealPrefs": [ null ], "inclMealPrefs": [ null ], "specialMealDescription": "Veg only meal" }, "numStopPref": { "numOfStops": 34 }, "seatAmenityPref": { "seatAmenityTypes": [ null ] }, "seatLocationPrefs": [ { "cabins": [] } ], "preferredAirports": [ {} ] }, 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Current PNR version. This field is used for handling conflicts in case of concurrent updates. This should be sent unmodified in update request.
Indicates the source of creation of PNR, like SHELL, OBT, etc.
Indicates the source of creation of PNR, like SHELL, OBT, etc.
List of travelers on this pnr and their information. This is a required field.
Payment information about all goods sold. This is a required field for now.
Indicates if finalize action has been performed on the pnr.
List of all the Custom Fields responses associated with this Pnr.
Money object containing details such as the amount, the currency code, and the converted amount.
User facing booking status
Set to true if there might be an issue in the PNR for which the user should be warned to contact TMC support.
Represents the PNR visibility status, if marked as HIDDEN should not be displayed to the traveler
Status of in progress cancellation request CANCELLATION_IN_PROGRESS - Cancellation request is in progress via OBT CANCELLATION_BY_AGENT_REQUESTED - Cancellation request is in progress via agent
Information about the freshness of the data set in this PNR object. This field is only set when the PNR returned is not the latest PNR available.
Information passed to the Spotnana email system that processes booking updates.
The per booking answers collected from the traveler during checkout.
List of all the Custom Fields associated with this Pnr
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Current PNR version. This field is used for handling conflicts in case of concurrent updates. This should be sent unmodified in update request.
List of travelers on this pnr and their information. This is a required field.
Payment information about all goods sold. This is a required field for now.
List of all the Custom Fields responses associated with this Pnr.
Represents the PNR visibility status, if marked as HIDDEN should not be displayed to the traveler
Status of in progress cancellation request CANCELLATION_IN_PROGRESS - Cancellation request is in progress via OBT CANCELLATION_BY_AGENT_REQUESTED - Cancellation request is in progress via agent
Information passed to the Spotnana email system that processes booking updates.
The per booking answers collected from the traveler during checkout.
List of all the Custom Fields associated with this Pnr
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curl -i -X DELETE \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v3/trips/{tripId}' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
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curl -i -X POST \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v2/trips/{tripId}/pnrs/{pnrId}/download-invoice' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "data": "6935813e12584abda0e43d71cd2ea260" }
Type of cancellation to be performed. For the NO_REFUND, FULL_REFUND and FULL_CREDIT cancellation types, if no cancellationDetails are provided, we assume the entire PNR is being canceled. If the cancellation type is FULL_CREDIT, we will also assume the credits created will have 0 penalty and an expiry date of 1 year from the issue date of the ticket.
List of object to be cancelled and their associated refund details.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v3/trips/{tripId}/pnrs/{pnrId}/cancel' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "cancellationType": "FULL_REFUND", "cancellationDetails": [ { "cancelObjectDetail": { "cancelObjectType": "PNR", "cancelObjectId": "string", "vendorCancellationId": "string" }, "refundInfo": [ { "refundType": "CREDIT", "amount": { "base": { "amount": 510, "currencyCode": "GBP", "convertedAmount": 715.42, "convertedCurrency": "USD", "otherCoinage": [ {} ] }, "tax": { "amount": 510, "currencyCode": "GBP", "convertedAmount": 715.42, "convertedCurrency": "USD", "otherCoinage": [ {} ] } }, "fop": { "type": "CARD", "card": { "id": "34d536b6-f8ff-11eb-9a61-0242ac180002", "type": "CREDIT", "company": "VISA", "name": "Harrison Schwartz", "address": { "addressLines": [], "recipients": [] }, "number": "4111111111111111", "expiryMonth": 1, "expiryYear": 2010, "cvv": "012", "label": "Label amex", "currency": "USD", "externalId": "bxt_RNGsNfzgJDaTstKIKqK4xEuhGYAnMdYK8T40", "vaultId": "34d536b6-f8ff-11eb-9a61-0242ac180002", "expiry": {}, "ownershipLabel": "CORPORATE" }, "additionalInfo": "string", "accessType": { "accessType": "UNKNOWN_TYPE", "entityIds": [ null ], "entities": [ null ] }, "paymentMethod": "BREX_POINTS", "paymentMetadata": { "customPaymentMethodMetadata": { "brexBudgetMetadata": {} }, "vendorProgramPaymentMetadata": {}, "virtualCardMetadata": {}, "cardMetadata": {} }, "paymentSourceType": "CARD" }, "expiryDate": { "iso8601": "2017-07-21" } } ] } ], "bookingEmailInfo": { "disableEmail": true } }'
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v2/trips/{tripId}/booker-email/{bookerEmailId}/partner-info' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
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curl -i -X GET \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v2/trips/{tripId}/pnrs/{pnrId}/cancellation-details' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "pnrId": "1234567890", "tripId": "2345678901", "cancellationDetails": { "air": { … } } }
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v2/pnrs?externalId=string' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'
{ "pnrId": "1234567890", "tripId": "1234567890" }
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://apis.spotnana.com/v2/pnrs/{pnrId}/process-approval' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "approvalId": "test-approval-id", "approvalType": "APPROVED" }'