Download OpenAPI specification:Download
These endpoints provide comprehensive functionality for managing hotel bookings. They enable users to search for hotels, check room rates and availability, create and modify bookings, and handle cancellations and rebooking.
Get all available hotels for the requested search parameters.
required | object (HotelSearchParams) The parameters required for searching hotels. |
object (HotelSearchFilters) Filters to refine the search result. Based on the user selected filters, the list of matching hotels will be displayed. | |
Array of objects (Hotel Sort Options) Sort options for the search results. | |
required | UserId Search (object) or RegistrarUserId Search (object) (HotelUserId) |
PageToken (object) or PageSize (object) (TokenBasedPaginationRequest) |
The specified resource was not found.
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Get details for a specific hotel.
The specified resource was not found.
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- "terms": [
- {
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- "deadline": null
}, - "policyInfo": {
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- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
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- "policyName": "string",
- "ruleResultInfos": [
- {
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- "subViolationInfos": [ ],
- "actions": [ ]
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], - "roomView": "UNKNOWN"
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- "additionalAmenities": [
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], - "isPrepaidRoom": true,
- "supportedCardTypes": [
- {
- "cardCompany": "VISA",
- "description": "string"
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- "maxOccupancy": {
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- "numChildren": 0
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- "additionalDetails": [
- {
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- "url": null
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- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
], - "occupancyDates": {
- "occupancy": [
- {
- "numAdults": 1,
- "numChildren": 0
], - "checkInDate": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "checkOutDate": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "rateStatistics": {
- "median": {
- "total": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
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- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
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- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "sampleSize": 100,
- "policyType": "DEFAULT"
}, - "showOnlyBaseFare": true,
- "preferences": [
- {
- "preferredType": "NOT_PREFERRED",
- "blockedReason": "string",
- "label": "string"
], - "termsAndConditions": [
Checks if the previously selected hotel price has been modified. To indicate the change in hotel price, the priceChange
field in the response will be set to true
and the price
object will contain the latest hotel price. If the price remains unchanged, the priceChange
field will be set as false
and the price
object will contain the original price.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "priceValidateKey": "string",
- "tripId": "string"
{- "bookingKey": "string",
- "timeout": 0,
- "priceChange": true,
- "price": {
- "base": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "tax": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "roomFees": [
- {
- "amount": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "feeInclusions": [
- "string"
], - "displayFee": true,
- "feeType": "ROOM_TAX"
], - "commission": {
- "amount": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "commissionPercent": 7.5
}, - "taxBreakdown": [
- {
- "amount": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "convertedAmount": 715.42,
- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
- {
- "coinageCode": "BREX_POINTS",
- "amount": 1000,
- "conversionRate": 0.01,
- "preferredCurrencyConversionRate": 0.01
}, - "taxCode": "VAT"
], - "includesCommission": false
Validates if a hotel rebooking can be performed for price optimization purpose.
The Source PNR ID provided in the request will be checked if it's eligible for rebooking.
In the response, if isValid
is true
then users can proceed to checkout flow, which cancels the existing Source PNR
and creates a new PNR to save booking cost.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "cancelSourcePnrId": "1cf76aba18e4015f",
- "travelers": [
- {
- "travelerPersonalInfo": {
- "loyaltyInfos": [
- {
- "appliedTo": [
- "TAJ"
], - "id": "firstId",
- "issuedBy": "firstIssuedBy",
- "type": "AIR"
], - "travelPref": {
- "airPref": {
- "airlinePrefs": [
- {
- "airlines": [ ],
- "flightType": null
], - "alliancePref": {
- "alliances": [
- null
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- "fareTypes": [
- null
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- "mealPref": {
- "exclMealPrefs": [
- null
], - "inclMealPrefs": [
- null
], - "specialMealDescription": "Veg only meal"
}, - "numStopPref": {
- "numOfStops": 34
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- "seatAmenityTypes": [
- null
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- {
- "cabins": [ ],
- "isBulkHeadPref": null,
- "maxFlightDurationInHours": null,
- "position": null
], - "preferredAirports": [
- {
- "airportName": null,
- "airportCode": null,
- "label": null
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- "expiryDate": {
- "iso8601": null
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- "vendor": "ATOC"
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- "preferredRailStations": [
- {
- "stationName": null,
- "stationCode": null,
- "cityName": null,
- "countryCode": null,
- "label": null
], - "seatPreference": {
- "hasAccessibility": false,
- "seatTypes": [
- null
], - "seatLocations": [
- null
], - "deckLevels": [
- null
], - "seatDirections": [
- null
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], - "coachPreferences": [
], - "conditionalRates": [
- "AAA"
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- "code": null,
- "name": null,
- "isPresentInPreferredVendors": null
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], - "engineTypes": [
], - "transmissionTypes": [
], - "conditionalRates": [
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- "chainName": null
], - "hotelBrands": [
- {
- "brandCode": null,
- "brandName": null
], - "hotelAmenityTypes": [
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- "mostImportantFact": "BED_COUNT",
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- "roomAmenityPrefs": [
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{- "isValid": true,
- "spotnanaPnrId": "1cf76aba18e4015f"
Creates a new hotel booking for the given request parameters.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "bookingKey": "example_booking_key",
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- "preCheckoutQuestionType": "OOP_REASON_CODE"
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- "checkInTime": {
- "iso8601": "17:32"
}, - "flightNumber": "AC1234",
- "additionalNote": "Extra pillows and blankets for added comfort during the stay.",
- "accessibleFeatures": [
}, - "cancelSourcePnrId": "ABC123",
- "hotelRateAssuranceInfo": {
- "selfReportedSavings": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP"
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- "amount": 510,
- "currencyCode": "GBP"
{- "pnrId": "7373737373",
- "pnrStatus": "SUCCESS",
- "externalPnrId": "ABC123"
This endpoint deletes a pnr by pnrID.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "confirmationId": "231241232"
Modify the details of an existing hotel booking. This API displays the list of modifications available for the same hotel. Currently, the details such as occupancy date and room type can be modified. To confirm the selected changes, use the Modify hotel booking API.
required | object (OccupancyDates) Occupancy values and dates for the hotel details. |
object (CorporateInfoV2) Corporate information related to the hotel booking. |
The specified resource was not found.
{- "occupancyDates": {
- "occupancy": [
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- "numAdults": 1,
- "numChildren": 0
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- "subViolationInfos": [ ],
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- "cardCompany": "VISA",
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- "numChildren": 0
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], - "checkInDate": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "checkOutDate": {
- "iso8601": "2017-07-21T17:32"
}, - "rateStatistics": {
- "median": {
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- "convertedCurrency": "USD",
- "otherCoinage": [
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- "label": "string"
], - "termsAndConditions": [
Modify an existing hotel booking based on the request parameters. This API is used to confirm the requested changes for the booking.
The specified resource was not found.
{- "bookingKey": "example_booking_key",
- "travelers": [
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